Here you can find a selection of my published works, including peer-reviewed articles and book chapters.
Peer-reviewed articles
2024 Socialist Modernist Worldmaking: Yugoslav Interventions in the International Humanitarian Debates in the 1970s. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development 15(1): 18-40
2024 Disappointment and awkwardness as ugly feelings. Humanitarian affect in a “Global East” Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 98: 47-63
2023 Vernacular Humanitarianisms: An Introduction Social Anthropology 31(1): 1-13
2022 Postsocialist Mediterranean. Scalar gaze, moral self and relational labor of favors in Eastern Europe Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 92: 82-97
2021 In the Name of the Daughter – Anthropology of Gender in Montenegro. An Introduction Comparative Southeast European Studies 69(1): 5-18
2021 Minority Sexualities, Kinship and Non-Autological Freedom in Montenegro Social Anthropology 29(2): 387-403
2020 European Anthropology as a Fortuitous Accident? Reflections on the Sustainability of the Field Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 29(2): 31-48
2019 Preference for censure: Yugoslav film and paradoxes of visibility after the Cold War Terrain. Anthropologie und Sciences Humaines
2018 Epistemological Eclecticism: Difference and the “Other” in the Balkans and Beyond Anthropological Theory 18(1): 106-128
2018 The Everyday Life of a Homo Sacer Südosteuropa 66(1): 10-26
2016 Depoliticization “from Below”: Everyday Humanitarianism in Bosnia and Herzegovina Narodna umjetnost: Special Issue on the 12th SIEF Congress 53(1): 97-115
2016 Scaling Humanitarianism: Humanitarian Actions in a Bosnian Town Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology 81(1): 99-124
Winner of the 2015 SIEF Young Scholar Prize
2015 Management of Ambiguity: Favours and Flexibility in Bosnia and Herzegovina Social Anthropology 23(3): 268-282
2015 Rethinking World Anthropologies Through Fieldwork. Perspectives on “Extended Stay” and “Back and Forth” Methodologies with Andrew Hodges, Anthropological Notebooks 21(1): 107-120
2014 Surviving in a Moveopticon: Humanitarian Actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina Contemporary Southeastern Europe 1(2): 42-60
2009 “Floating Signifiers”: Negotiations of the National on the Internet forum Café del Montenegro Südosteuropa 57(1): 55-69
Book Chapters
2018 Štela (Bosnia and Herzegovina) with Karla Kutkova. In The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 1, pp. 54-58. Ed. A Ledeneva. London: University College London Press.
2016 Flexibility of Veze / Štele. Negotiating Social Protection In Negotiating Social Relations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 94-108. Eds. S Jansen, C Brkovic, and V Celebicic. Routledge.
2016 Queering as Europeanisation, Europeanisation as Queering with Danijel Kalezic. In LGBT Activism and Europeanisation in the Post-Yugoslav Space, pp. 155-177. Ed. B Bilic. Palgrave.
2015 Brokering the Grey Zones: Pursuits of Favours in a Bosnian Town In Ethnographies of Grey Zones in Eastern Europe, pp. 57-72. Eds. I Harboe and M Demant Frederiksen. Anthem.
2014 The Quest for Legitimacy: Discussing Language and Sexuality in Montenegro In Mirroring Europe, pp. 161-185. Ed. T Petrovic. Brill.
2013 Ambiguous Notions of “National Self” in Montenegro In The Ambiguous Nation, pp. 131-149. Eds. U Brunnbauer and H Grandits. München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
Essays, Interviews, and Media outreach
with Adam Jens, Beate Binder and Patrick Wielowiejski. Queering Europe: Anthropological Perspectives in Conversation. A Text Collage Berliner Blätter 88: 161-174, 2024
with Bojan Bilić, Linda Gusia, Nita Luci, Diana Manesi and Jovan Džoli Ulićević. Can we Fight Together? Contentions of Gender-Queer Scholarship and Activism in Southeast Europe Berliner Blätter 88: 79-94, 2024
“Thinking With” When Peer Reviewing: Introduction to the PoLAR Online Emergent Conversation on Peer Review Political and Legal Anthropology Review 45(1): 112-118, 2022
‘Promises and Limits of One Attempt to “Queer Communism”‘ Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 2: 26-30, 2022
‘Between Decolonial and Postsocialist Political Imaginations: Redescribing Present Failures in Mostar’ Berliner Blätter 85: 33-47, 2021
Essay: Emergent humanitarian forms of life. Anthropology of humanitarianism between new vocabulary and critique Public Anthropologist blog, 09 October 2018
Essay: The Same, and Yet Different. Ethno-Anthropological Traditions in Europe American Anthropologist website, 22 May 2018
Edited themed section: Vernacular Humanitarianism Allegra Laboratory, 25 Sep 2017
Essay: Humanitarianism Tomorrow? Humanitarian Actions in Former Yugoslavia. Allegra Laboratory, 28 Sep 2017
Interview with Elizabeth Dunn: Bypassing Chokepoints: On the Anthropogeography of Smuggling. Anthropology Matters 17(2): 1-9, 2017
Commentary on the US elections for The Conversation: Dreams of a Good Life, 18 Nov 2016
Forum. Brexit Referendum – first reactions from anthropology Social Anthropology 24(4): 478-502.
Interview with professor Florian Bieber about my article: Surviving in a Moveopticon, 12 Nov 2014 (YouTube video)
Interview for the Montenegrin daily Vijesti: Novi rječnik i nove prakse otpora (New Vocabulary and New Practices of Resistance), 23 Nov 2019 (in Montenegrin)
Interview for the Montenegrin weekly Monitor: Ne treba da “dostignemo Evropu”, već da razgovaramo (We do not Need to Catch up With Europe, but to Establish a Conversation) 15 Jan 2016 (in Montenegrin)
Text for the Montenegrin Cultural Magazine ARS: What is the Link Between the Discussion of a National Language and the Discussion of Sexuality?, 03 Jan 2011 (in Montenegrin)
Book Reviews
‘Michaela Schäuble. Narrating Victimhood. Gender, Religion and the Making of Place in Post-War Croatia. Berghahn Books’. Anthropological Notebooks 23(1): 153-154, 2017
‘Greenberg, Jessica. After the Revolution. Youth, Democracy, and the Politics of Disappointment in Serbia’. Allegra Laboratory, 2015
‘Gordy, Eric. 2013. Guilt, Responsibility, and Denial’. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania University Press’. Social Anthropology 22(2): 235–237, 2014